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Auroville - India
March 3rd/9th - AUROVILLE TANGO FESTIVAL - 19h with P. Gignoli
Milano - Italy
April 8th - MALA SANTA MILONGA - 21h Piano & DJ set
Ingolstadt - Germany
April 9th - MILONGA INGOLSTADT - 21h with P. Gignoli
Berlin - Germany
April 11th - HAUS DER SINNE - 21h with P. Gignoli
Murnau - Germany
May 16th - TANGO OBERLAND - 21h Piano & DJ set
Basel - Switzerland
May 18th - CORRIENTES - 19h Piano & DJ set
Sanremo - Italy
June 2nd/8th - HOTEL LONDRA - 21h DJ set
Kolding - Denmark
October 4th/5th - Kolding Festival- 21h with P. Gignoli
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